
Drought Days Are Over, Gaborone Dam Filling Up

Rainfall has been less than adequate for the past 4 or so years in Gaborone, so the main source of…

Should Men Wear Makeup?

The black community was just about to give up and deal with women wearing makeup, now that the modern man…

Africa’s First Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Initiative Launched In Botswana

Cancer among young children is real in our continent, and it needs some serious attention. His Excellency the President Lieutenant…

Ways To Prepare For Floods And Stay Safe

Cyclone Dineo is surely making her presence felt in Botswana as we have been experiencing heavy rains for the past…

10 Foods That Can Help Prevent Cancer

Cancer is a dreadful disease, and in most cases doctors and the patient are aware of it when its at…

5 Glamorous Ways Masi Sithole Rocks A Blonde Hairdo!

Masi Sithole is force to be reckoned with when it comes to fashion in Botswana. She can wear anything and…

Making The First Move- 10 Ways To Ask A Guy Out

Women have feelings too, just like men they fall in love. So the best way to let a man know…

Celebrity Breakups That Left Us Heart Broken!

We follow them on social media and always measure our lives against theirs, why, because they seem to be so perfect.…

Motswafere Opens His Own Beauty And Fashion Empire

As the saying goes, do what you love and you will never work a single day in your life. My…

The Department of Meteorological Services Warns The Nation About Tropical Cyclone Dineo

In a recent Press Release, the Department of Meteorological Services informed the public about tropical cyclone named Dineo. The cyclone…

National Languages Day Commemorations To Be Held On Friday 24th February

This day has come at the right time as the linguistic situation in Botswana is complex and consists of dying…

10 Love Quotes To Share With Your Special Loved One!

It is that time of the year in the calendar when most people celebrate the love they have with special…