
5 Biggest Malls in Botswana

Game City Mall Located next to Kgale Hill which is often climbed by training fanatics, Game City Mall sits on…

Best 5 Botswana Traditional foods

Botswana has some of the best cuisines in the world. They may not be as sophisticated, but they are made…

Botswana indebted to China for SinoVac donation

The Minister of Presidential Affairs and Public Administration, Honourable Kabo N. Morwaeng says Botswana is deeply indebted to the People's…

Government mistreats nurses

Botswana Nurses Union (BONU) has noted with concern the lack of seriousness towards the lives of the nation by the…

Mobile Networks in Botswana

Mascom Founded by Strive Masiyiwa and first licensed on 17 February. The Company is owned by MTN Group and Botswana…

Best Restaurants in Botswana

Kana Jang? Restaurant Strategically situated next to Nhabe Museum in Maun, Kana Jang? Restaurant has established itself as a meeting…

Best 5 Resorts in Botswana

There are many game resorts in Botswana, especially in North-West region and the Kgalagadi, not forgetting Gaborone. However we chose…

Top 3 religions in Botswana

Botswana through its constitution defines itself as a circular state. That is an idea pertaining to secularity, whereby a state…

Leagajang vs. Ebineng; Who to believe?

Leagajang and Ebineng serve under the same government, but both have commented on the same issue with differing statements. Who…

Botswana’s 3 most spoken local languages

With a mere population of Two point three million (2 300 000), there are over thirty languages spoken in Botswana.…

Stanbic Bank rescue teachers.

In recognition of teachers’ daily sacrifice to ensure that they play their role in educating the nation, Stanbic Bank Botswana…

COVID-19 infringe BDF operations

Yesterday the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) vaccine reached the Botswana Defence Force (BDF) barracks. Speaking during the roll-out ceremony at…