
Reading from an early age fosters a love for learning – this is the seed to success

There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that early childhood education provides persistent, life-long benefits to children and that…


Have you booked your seat to attend our Master Class on the 21st January 2023? Reserve your space now as…

Public Notice; The Ministry of Education and Skills Development

PUBLIC NOTICE HOW TO ACCESS STANDARD SEVEN PLACEMENT INTO FORM ONE The Ministry of Education and Skills Development wishes to…

Private Schools Register – 2022

Below is a list of all registered Private Primary Schools in Botswana as per the Education Act of 1967 Section…

Private Schools Register – 2022

Below is a list of all registered Private Primary Schools in Botswana as per the Education Act of 1967 Section…

Netflix announces 54 beneficiaries of its Creative Equity Scholarship Fund in Southern Africa

– On Thursday 27th October 2022, Netflix, the world’s leading streaming entertainment service, announced the Southern African recipients of its…

We Haven’t Fallen Off- Argues Limkokwing University

Limkokwing University issued a statement in response to an article titled "The Fall of the Mighty Limkokwing which was published…

PSLE overall performance drops

Primary School Leaving Examinations (PSLE) results have been released earlier today, Botswana Examinations Council (BEC) has announced. And it has…

BGCSE Top achievers applauded

His Excellency the President Dr. Mokgweetsi Eric Keabetswe Masisi has praised the top achievers for 2020 BGCSE. Ever since its…

BONELA calls for abolition of corporal punishment

For centuries setswana culture has been using corporal punishment as a remedy against distractive behavior and actions. For the longest…

“No pay raise, No invigilation” -Teachers to BEC

Botswana Examinations Council (BEC) is faced with a mammoth task of getting teachers to invigilate and moderate this year's examinations.…

Unions advocate for non-teaching staff vaccination

Just a few days after the commencement of 'teacher prioritization' vaccination roll-out programme, workers' unions are now advocating for vaccination…