
Kast Meets Up With His Youngest Supporter, Tumelo

Just last week Kast wrote on his Facebook page that he was looking for a young fan who touched him…

All Roads Lead To Francistown: Mascom Top8 Final

Its only a few hours before kicking off the biggest cup final in the country Mascom Top8 season 6. People…

Nnunu Ramogotsi Moved By Her Sister’s Kind Gesture!

No matter what we have or where we are in life,we are nothing without family. Our siblings and parents understand…

Gloria Kgosi And Gaona Dintwe Serve Us Friendship Goals

It's not everyday that women, more so in the same industry get along so well. Gloria Kgosi and Gaona Dintwe…

Dipsy Selolwane Among African Legends To Play In The Legends United Game

We are proud to report that our very own legend Diphetogo Selolwane will be amongst African football legends who will…

Kast Drops A Victory Song For His 1000km Walk

When it comes to his singing talent, a lot of people have dismissed him and said he is much better…

Samantha Mogwe Gives Tips On Getting A Flat Tummy After Pregnancy

In most cases ordinary women battle with weight after giving birth. Because one gains a substantial amount of weight during…

Cool Pictures Of Sasa Klaas And Nijel Amos’s Friendship!

There were once rumors of the 2 dating, but neither party has confirmed or denied the allegations. Like true celebrities…

Kearoma Rantao Shares The Hardships They Face As Musicians In Botswana

To say it's not easy to make a living from arts in Botswana is an understatement. Day in and day…

BDF XI Striker Kumbee Katjiteo is the Mascom Top8 Leading Goal-Scorer

This coming weekend football lovers will witness the mouth watering Mascom Top8 Final. Not only will people be interested with…

ATI Warns Batswana About Ref Wayne

South African billionaire Ref Wayne has been the latest talk of town since arriving last week to introduce Forex Trading…

Extension Gunners FC Launches Pauntsula VIP Project

In a recent Press Release, Lobatse based football team Extension Gunners has launched a campaign in which they are looking…