
Principal Communications Officer Wanted At BURS

External Vacancy Circular No 1 of 2017. Botswana Unified Revenue Service (BURS) is a semi-autonomous organization of Government responsible for…

Executive Secretary Wanted At Human Resource Development Council

The Human Resource Development Council (HRDC), an autonomous body whose main objectives among others include provision for Policy Advice with…

Personal Assistants X 2 Wanted At Botswana Qualifications Authority

The Botswana Qualifications Authority is a parastatal organization under the Ministry of Tertiary Education Research Science and Technology. The BQA…

Teachers Wanted At Delta Waters International School

Delta Waters International School is looking for experienced and qualified teachers to join their organization. The successful incumbents will be…

Sales/­Marketing Agents (X2) Wanted At Transit Media

Transit Media is looking for young, self-motivated, competent and dynamic candidates for the position of Sales/Marketing Agents. Qualifications * Certificate…

10 Ways To Be Super Productive On Monday!

Monday is the least favorite day of the week to most people. People drag their feet to school and work,…

4 Secretaries Wanted At Bank of Botswana

Bank of Botswana invites applications from suitably qualified citizens of Botswana to fill Secretary positions (4) in the Human Resources…

Driver Wanted At Ministry of Youth, Sport and Culture

Applications are invited from suitably qualified citizens for the post of Driver tenable in Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Sport and…

The British Council Botswana Invites Journalists To Take Part In Their Youth Journalism Program

The British Council Botswana would like to invite all interested young journalists to express an interest in taking part in…

Accounts Assistant Wanted At Strategic Consult

Strategic Consult is looking for self motivated, results-oriented and high performing individuals to start work immediately on 01 February 2017…

Marketing Officer Wanted At Strategic Consult

Strategic Consult is looking for self motivated, results-oriented and high performing individuals to start work immediately on 01 February 2017…

Clothing Designer Wanted At Space Interiors

Space Interiors is looking for a clothing designer to join their organization. Core Responsibilities Include: - Understanding design from a…