
New Zealand Development And Commonwealth Scholarships Now Open

New Zealand Development and Commonwealth Scholarships awards are now open for postgraduate study, commencing 2018 in New Zealand.Botswana citizens are…

4 Sales Consultants And 2 Promotion Controllers -Wanted At Global Travel Alliance

Global Travel Alliance (Botswana) PTY LTD has vacant positions for 4 sales consultants and 2 promotion controllers. The successful candidates…

170 Temporary Field Assistants Wanted At Gender Affairs Department

Gender Affairs Department will be conducting a Botswana Relationship Survey. The aim of the survey is to provide updated information…

General Manager Wanted At Wilderness Safaris

Wilderness Safaris are looking a for dynamic and energy packed suitable individual who is self- motivated team players, and is…

Part-Time Setswana Teacher Wanted At Edulink Academy Of Learning Secondary School

Edulink Academy Of Learning Secondary School is looking for a part-time Setswana teacher who can take the following grades: Form…

Temporary Accounts Assistant Wanted At Ipelegeng – Mahalapye Sub District

Applicants are invited from Botswana Citizens for the post of Temporary Accounts Assistant for the Ipelegeng Program tenable  in Mahalapye…

Communication Coordinator Wanted At Botswana Harvard AIDS Institute Partnership

Botswana Harvard AIDS Institute Partnership is a collaborative research and training initiative between government of Botswana and the Harvard School…

Infection Control Nurse Wanted At Stocksure Holdings

Reporting to the Senior Infection Control Officer, the incumbent will be responsible for development, implementation and evaluation of infection preventive…

Store Keeper Wanted For The Ipelegeng Program

Ipelegeng is a Government Initiative or program whose main objective is to provide short term employment support and relief whilst…

17 Vacancies For Special Constables At Masunga Police Station

There are Seventeen (17) vacancies for Special Constables (12 Males, 5 Females) which are tenable at Masunga Police station. The…

10 Smart Ways To Deal With A Work Place Bully

When a repeated, intentional behavior is directed at you as an employee that is intended to degrade, humiliate, embarrass, or otherwise…

Artisans: All Trades Wanted At Morupule Coal Mine

Morupile Coal Mine is a local coal mining company situated 14 Kilometres West of Palapye along Serowe/Palapye road. The mine…