While he shocked many and left them wondering pitching with Swati attire, the newly elected University of Botswana Student Representative Council (UBSRC) indicated that that was a sign of inclusivity which is the pillar of his SRC.
“It is common cause that Diversity is a fact, but inclusion is a choice we make every day. As leaders, we have to put out the message that we embrace, and not just tolerate, diversity. Today I present myself wearing the Swati traditional attire to sing and lead the message for inclusiveness within our University. We ought to love and embrace one another like each other’s brother and sister. The differences in us is meant to strengthen us as the University. We did not work so hard to born different and it would be unfair of us to try impose our identities by subjecting another student to discrimination.” he indicated.

In his address, Joseph emphasized that to ensure the University of Botswana is competitive internationally against other reputable tertiary institutions, love should reign. He says this calls for political transformation and revolution of values and priorities by the University at large.
As the new cabinet takes over, Joseph committed once again to delivering on his and his cabinet’s election campaign promises. “Students, we have presented to you the STUDENT CHARTER which was a representation of the dialectics we enjoyed with yourselves on the course of our campaign. Today, on behalf of the 13 you have voted for i make a solemn declaration and commitment that we will work tirelessly to achieve all that we promises. I have no doubt that in the first 60 days we will have sought issues of pending allowances, appointed the student judiciary and the student parliament.” he promised.

The SRC which was inagurated recently won elections last month. The Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) student wing- Moono Wa Baithuti won all the Thirteen (13) seats. After the victory, the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) student wing- GS-26 cried foul as they allerged election rigging.
Meanwhile, Joseph responded to the allegations, “University of Botswana Students have given so much to make MOONO WA BAITHUTI what it is today. You give it vitality and life. You give it strength and boldness which drives fear into the enemies of the struggle. You do it so well that some even catch an illusion that elections have been rigged.”
Joseph serves the third consecutive term in the Student Representative Council. He was first elected as the Minister of Justice, then the Minister of Student Affairs before ascending to Presidency.