BW Government Closes Down All ECG Branches
Our government has never loved flamboyant Prophet Sherped Bushiri of the ECG church based in Pretoria, South Africa. First they denied him entry into the country without a Visa and now his churches aren’t allowed here.
The church was allegedly shut down after violating Botswana’s laws despite being warned to stop the practice of “miracle money.” The church’s countrywide cells have been ordered to cease operations. However, the ECG has since appealed to the authorities.
Minister of Labour and Home Affairs Edwin Batshu, has confirmed the development to the president in the country.
The Minister says no ECG branch will operate in Botswana and has since ordered that even home cell meetings of the Church should cease and desist.
However ECG Church officials in Botswana have appealed to Minister Batshu to reconsider the decision.