University of Botswana BSc students are invited to apply for career designation to pursue specialized science Degree courses in regional institutions i.e. South Africa & Mauritius in January/February 2017. Applicants are required to collect career preference forms in Office 45 at DTEF. Applicants are advised to submit certified copies of their academic performance results alongside with the career preference forms.
Please note below:
Specialized science and engineering programs and requirements
NO. Area of study allocated quota
1 Physiotherapy 3
2 Audiology 3
3 Dentistry 3
4 Dietetics & Nutrition 3
5 Occupational Therapy 3
6 Pharmacy 3
7 Diagnostic Radiography & Imaging 3
8 Speech Therapy 3
9 Veterinary Medicine 3
10 Biomedical Engineering 3
11 Chemical Engineering 5
12 Manufacturing Engineering 3
13 Materials Engineering 3
14 Mine Survey/Mineral Survey 3
15 Actuarial Science 3
16 Human Factors in Safety 3
Other selection requirements:
Selection for the 2016/2017 Placement will be drawn from those who completed BSC Level 100 and BSC Level 200 groups:
i. Must have completed examinations of those levels at the first sitting ONLY
ii. Must have garnered a Cumulative GPA of 4.50 at Level 100 or 3.50 at Level 200 of BSC
iii. Must have completed and submitted the Career Designation Selection Preference Form
Important to note that:
i. Career designation will be based on best fit for the program as guided by the first and second year result obtained at the first sitting only.
ii. Students who wish to retake or resit failed course for the purpose of qualifying for Career Designation will not be considered
iii. Students pursuing BED Science, Nursing Science, BSC Agriculture and/or any programme which has BSC level 100 as a pre-entry requirement will not be considered.
iv. Candidates, who may have been out competed in their first choices, may compete for the second and third choices.
v. The country of placement remains the prerogative of the Department of Tertiary Education Financing; in this regard no private solicited admissions in undesignated countries will be accepted.
Deadline for submission is on Monday 12th September 2016