Bruce Nkgakile To Start An Entrepreneurs Incubation Hub

Botswana Youth
2 Min Read

If there is a young person who has the best interest of the youth of this country at heart, it’s Bruce Nkgakile. Forget his political aspirations and his sharp tongue, Bruce as a successful businessman is willing to go out of his way to help young people have a better life. He is still on negotiation stage with relevant stake holders to setup an entrepreneurs incubation hub.


This idea came about because Bruce has been receiving a lot of inboxes from young people asking for business mentor-ship and business start up advise. “I have for the past few months been flooded with inboxes and request for business advice. I have failed dismally to keep up with these requests. I am pleased to inform you that I have successfully approached a commercial bank, a relevant Government department, a local publication company and a few media houses who are keen on us starting an entrepreneurs incubation hub,”he said.

These according to him, will be capacity building workshops coupled with technical business support structures to enable young people to successfully make business plans and get funding from various government schemes with the right expertise. These would be done nation wide. Good one Bruce!

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