
Botswana’s Ministry of Entrepreneurship Hosts Annual Wealth Creation Programme Regional Expo in Moshupa

The Ministry of Entrepreneurship, Department of Enterprise Development, is set to host the annual Wealth Creation Programme Regional Expo in the Moshupa District on June 18th and 19th, 2024. This year’s event, themed “Inclusive Growth towards a Transforming Economy, Prosperity for All,” aims to spotlight the achievements and products of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) nurtured under Botswana’s Wealth Creation Programme.

Showcasing Innovation and Sustainability

The two-day expo is designed to provide a platform for over 60 programme beneficiaries to showcase their diverse array of products. These enterprises, having received support from the Wealth Creation Programme, are now poised to demonstrate their growth and innovation. The expo aims to bridge the gap between these MSEs and larger market players, facilitating connections with chain stores and industry leaders that can lead to valuable market entry opportunities.

Celebrating Sustainable Business Achievements

A highlight of the event will be the recognition of 51 enterprises graduating from the programme, celebrating their sustainable business achievements. These enterprises have demonstrated resilience, innovation, and growth, meeting the criteria for graduation. This milestone reflects the success of the Wealth Creation Programme in fostering sustainable economic development and entrepreneurship in Botswana.

Empowering Micro and Small Enterprises

The Wealth Creation Programme is a key initiative by the Ministry of Entrepreneurship, aimed at empowering MSEs through financial support, training, and market access. The programme’s objective is to stimulate economic growth, reduce unemployment, and promote inclusive prosperity across the country. By providing a supportive environment for budding enterprises, the ministry seeks to cultivate a dynamic and self-sustaining economy.

Ms. Lesego Seipato, the Chief Enterprise Officer at the Ministry of Entrepreneurship, will be the guest of honor at the expo. Her extensive experience and commitment to enterprise development make her a fitting figure to underscore the event’s significance. Ms. Seipato is expected to deliver a keynote address, emphasizing the importance of inclusive growth and the transformative potential of entrepreneurship.

In a statement, Ms. Seipato highlighted the critical role of MSEs in driving economic transformation. “The Wealth Creation Programme is not just about providing financial support; it’s about empowering our entrepreneurs with the skills and opportunities they need to thrive. This expo is a testament to their hard work and the potential of inclusive growth to foster a prosperous economy for all.”

Fostering Connections and Opportunities

The expo will feature various activities aimed at fostering connections and exploring new opportunities. These include networking sessions, product demonstrations, and panel discussions with industry leaders. The event is also expected to attract potential investors, buyers, and other stakeholders interested in supporting Botswana’s burgeoning entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Inclusive Growth and Economic Transformation

The theme of this year’s expo, “Inclusive Growth towards a Transforming Economy, Prosperity for All,” reflects the ministry’s commitment to ensuring that economic progress benefits all segments of society. By focusing on inclusive growth, the Ministry of Entrepreneurship aims to create a more equitable economic landscape where every entrepreneur has the opportunity to succeed.

The annual Wealth Creation Programme Regional Expo in Moshupa is more than just an exhibition; it is a celebration of entrepreneurial spirit, innovation, and sustainable growth. With over 60 exhibitors and 51 graduates, the event stands as a testament to the transformative power of entrepreneurship. Under the guidance of leaders like Ms. Lesego Seipato, Botswana is making significant strides towards an inclusive and prosperous economy.

The Ministry of Entrepreneurship invites all stakeholders, industry leaders, and the general public to join in this pivotal event, to support local enterprises, and to witness the future of Botswana’s economy in action.

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