Botswana Qualification Authority Accreditation Process

Botswana Youth
3 Min Read

Botswana Qualifications Authority (BQA) formerly known as Botswana Training Authority (BQA) works under 2 main objectives of : Providing for and maintaining the National Credit and Qualifications Framework (NCQF) as well as coordinating the education, training and skills development quality assurance system. Find out how the process of accreditation works below:


For Trainers:

Those interested in registering as trainers will need to upload the following forms:

1. Application for Registration of Trainers and Assessors
2. Application for Evaluation of qualifications
3. Reference Template(make 2 copies and give to 2 of your referees to complete on your behalf…

The applicant completes both the Application for Evaluation of qualifications and the Application for Registration of Trainers and Assessors.
Upload the Checklist for Registration of Trainers and Assessors to guide you on the documents to submit with your application.

For Accreditation Of Institutions:

Those interested in accreditation of institutions/workplaces kindly upload:
1. The requirements requirements for accreditation of institutions and workplaces
2. Learning Programme Development Guide & Template ( you will unpack your programmes into this template. This is the first document to submit for guidance on content, standards before making any submissions for accreditation. This is submitted at Capacity Building -Fist Floor office F21)
3. Application for Accreditation of Vocational Training Institutions & Assessment Centres

For Accreditation Of Consultancies/Companies.

Those interested in accreditation of consultancy kindly upload:

1. The raccreditation equirements for short courses

2. Learning Programme Development Guide & Template ( you will unpack your programmes into this template. This is the first document to submit for guidance on content, standards before making any submissions for accreditation. This is submitted at Capacity Building -Fist Floor office F21)

3. Application for Accreditation of Vocational Training Institutions & Assessment Centres

For Accreditation Of Additional Programs

Those adding programs to their accreditation kindly upload:

1. Application for additional programmes and Cancellation of programmes

2. Learning Program Development Guide & Template ( you will unpack your programmes into this template. This is the first document to submit for guidance on content, standards before making any submissions for accreditation. This is submitted at Capacity Building -Fist Floor office F21)

The BQA documentation is available on the old Botswana Training Authority website—> ; Document Centre; Forms

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