Botswana Youth
3 Min Read

It is not an easy act for two organizations to come together in unison, choose to overlook their differences and nurture their common ground. Yesterday Botswana Federation of Public, Private & Parastatal Sector Union (BOFEPUSU) and Botswana Federation of Trade Unions (BFTU) defied the odds and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

MoU summary

But what do the two (2) federations hope to achieve through this MoU? Since the two are both labour movements, they have similar issues of interests, below are some of the agreements as according to the MoU;

  • Establishes a cooperation forum of which the two will be able to meet as federations at regular intervals to discuss issues affecting workers and issues of national interest and come up with solutions.
  • The forum will consist of six members from each federation- specifically the leadership so that they can be able to take decisions.
  • To create and maintain information sharing platforms for resource mobilization, project management, for joint advocacy and lobbying.
  • To develop joint resource mobilization proposal projects to further the objects of the MoU, and to propose or develop structures as it may be necessary for implementation and achievement of the objects of the MoU.
  • To develop joint position papers for presentation to Government of Botswana and tripartite forums or any other party in support of this initiative and any other initiatives as it may be agreed from time to time.
  • And to jointly identify and advocate for adoption, implementation of local statutes, regional and international conventions necessary to achieve the objects of the MoU.

Governing principles

*Transparency and information sharing between the two parties.
*Cooperation and teamwork.
*Best practices and compliance to regulatory bodies acts

Issues of common interest

Through this MoU, the two federations want to push for the Implementation of the decent work country programme which was signed last year by the two federations, Business Botswana and the Government of Botswana. The two federations also want to address issues of productivity and work ethic. Moreover, they want to make sure that the labour laws are relevant and do not disadvantage the workers. Other issues of interests include; research, policy influence, commemorations, and income policy, i.e. minimum wage.

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