Berry Heart Fires Shots At Tumi Modise-Sebina Saga

Botswana Youth
2 Min Read

This is a time where we as a nation have to come together to fight sick people who prey on our children, but instead we are tearing each other apart and putting our own egos first. Tumi Modise when sharing her thoughts on women abuse issues attacked women. Yesterday Berry Heart took it to Facebook to lash out on her on a piece titled “of Tumi Modise and her insatiable appetite on attacking fellow women unnecessarily.”


In the letter Berry Heart refers to Modise as a moving skeleton.”This is a response to your insensitive FB post about the Sebina Child Molestation issue and the dishonorable way you speak to my fellow Batswana women. I will quote certain excerpts from such cold and heartless presentation (I refer to it as such because FB seems to be your boardroom),” she began.

“Children are abused not because they are from bad parenting backgrounds. Children are abused because they are trusting and vulnerable. Sexual abuse leads to sense of permanent damage. Women and their numerous advocacy groups can scream until their voices are hoarse but reality is that some of the women joining today’s campaign are victims in their own home. Some got bitten up black and blue last night in front of their children in their own homes. How different are their children from that Sebina child? ‘

Berry concluded by this closing statement, “to women in politics, wives to politicians and concubines to politicians kindly refrain from protecting child molesters who are from your respective political parties.Lets fight sexual violence against our children.”

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