On their social responsibility, Barclays Bank Botswana has launched an initiative that seeks to provide young people with the skills they require to secure employment. The initiative, called “Ready to Work” focuses on education and skills, enterprise development and financial inclusion.
The Ready to Work initiative gives unemployed youth work, money, people and entrepreneurial skills to improve employment or self employment prospects. The initiative will help young people transition in the critical period from education to the world of work be it a self-employed person or an entrepreneur
Ready to Work is an online learning platform available for free to anyone with internet access and WIFI.
The bank has also made provisions for youth who do not have access to internet resources. Ready to Work can also be used by teachers or individuals who wish to educate and empower learners with skills that will help them find employment. The program is not only launched in Botswana but rather in other African countries where the Barclays bank has branches.