This month is not over yet, but it might go down in history as the one where many people lost their lives due to road accident. From private cars to buses, many people have perished on the roads this month. The desert road is upon us and it is this time that people drive like maniacs, having noticed that, Amantle Montsho decided to use her status to sensitize drivers.
Montsho just buried a close friend the past weekend who died from a road accident. Clearly she knows first hand the pain of loosing a loved one tragically, that makes her in a better position to give advice. She asked drivers to take it easy on the road and control their excitement. “You will get excited when you reach the destination,” she advised.
Normally when people attend the Desert Race, they drink like there is no tomorrow, and since alcohol and driving do not go hand in hand, we experience fatalities. It is a good message coming from a role model, who has many followers, we hope it reaches relevant ears. Fellow Batswana let us have fun to stay alive, not to die.