Agriculture in Botswana

Botswana Youth
4 Min Read

In Botswana, Agriculture is one of the largest contributory sectors to the development of the country. It is only proper to say the world revolves around agriculture, we feed because of this sector. Although Botswana is not self-sufficient since she imports most food from South Africa and Zimbabwe, the government has put in place poverty eradication as well as youth development programs from the agriculture sector aiming towards self-sufficiency. Such programs include, CEDA young farmer’s fund, backyard gardening, to mention but a few. Developing young people means the country is developed, as well as its economy, when young people actively engage themselves in agricultural businesses they will alleviate unemployment, feed the country and contribute to the gross development of the country’s economy.

The Botswana College of agriculture offers a vast range of courses that help improve and empower young people and Batswana in general to indulge themselves in agricultural businesses, such courses are not offered only as part of degree programs but also as short courses for individuals who want to venture into agriculture businesses or improve their farming skills with new technologies. Technology in agriculture is very important.In crop production,farmers have been encouraged to use the row planting method over the broadcasting method of sowing inorder to produce better results. It is important to put such methods in place in order to benefit from the help that the government offers as well as to better the level of production. Botswana is the only country in the world with the number of cattle exceeding the population of the people; it is also amongst the largest beef producers in the world, exporting to the European countries. This is because the level of pastoral farming is better as compared to arable farming. The harsh climatic conditions in most parts of the country are unfavorable for crop production but with pastoral farming most local animal breeds adapt well to such conditions.

However there are some livestock diseases of economic importance like foot and mouth which are a threat to the beef sector, which the department of veterinary services under the ministry of agriculture designed a system of reducing the spread of the disease by dividing the country into FMD free zones and those zones that have the disease, this helps in control of movement of animals and animal products from an infected zone to a free zone. Although these challenges are facing the agriculture sector in our country, It is important to notice the efforts of the stakeholders who are working tirelessly to fight these challenges. The government (ministry of youth, sports and culture as well as the ministry of agriculture) must be applauded for their much contribution in the development of the level of farming amongst the youth and Batswana in general pertaining the long term vision, vision 2016’s pillar of a productive, prosperous and innovative nation as well as a sustainable development.

Agriculture is the mother of food production, employment generation, income generation and culture maintenance. It is the backbone of everyday living, in that domesticated animals are used in a lot of social activities like marriages (cattle for paying lobola) and funerals. The more investment this country is going to make in agriculture the brighter its future is going to be.


Kgomotso Kay Mosarwa

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