10 New Year’s Resolutions Worth Making And Keeping

Botswana Youth
5 Min Read

We are almost saying goodbye to 2015 and ready to welcome a fresh year, 2016. This is the time for us to reflect on the chronicles of this year, our achievements, our down falls, mistakes, happy moments, sad moments and all of that. We do not want to carry too much baggage to the next year, so we need to look at all the negativity and try to correct it. Its time we set realistic resolutions that are easy to make and keep. Draw some inspiration from the list below:


1. Be More Optimistic.

Many people in Botswana and around the world are feeling fatalistic pessimistic about the future. But optimism has many benefits. A positive outlook is healthy and beneficial every minute you feel it. Science says so,and it has been proven.

2. Be Kind To Yourself.

This is one we often overlook, the importance of me time! Every week, remind yourself of something great you’ve achieved. It’s time that you gave yourself more credit for the gorgeous person that you are. 2016 is all about the positive new you, so let’s forget the bad and focus on the good. You are great. And this year can be great too.

3. Smile At Someone New.

Smiling releases endorphins and makes us feel more attractive, so try to make a habit of turning that frown upside down. Not only will smiling encourage you to feel happier, but it will also have a positive effect on those around you. So what are you waiting for? Get those lovely pearly-whites on show!

4. Laugh Every Day.

There’s a reason that people say laughter is the best medicine, because it is! Laughing is a powerful antidote to just about anything and will instantly make you feel good about yourself. Find something that makes you giggle every day and pass it on to the people you love.

5.  Look To The Future.

Reflection can be good, but holding on to negative events in the past will stop you from moving towards your future. The past is in the past and cannot be changed, so look towards the new, positive experiences that you’ll have this year. Everyone makes mistakes or wishes they’d done things differently, but what’s done is done.

6. Up Your Faith Game.

Why not make 2016 the year that you commit to growing closer to God? God and our faith should be our top priority. If we’re serious about our faith, we should be serious about putting time and effort into it. So make time this year to get into prayer and the Bible more. Make a commitment to hang out with God regularly and hear from him.

7. Get A Better Job.

If those other resolutions don’t go so well or you’re tired of sitting in a cubicle packing on pounds, maybe it’s time for a change. Find an organization that are hiring beginning of the year and circulate your curriculum vitae.

8. Use Your Money To Make Memories.

People often make a rational calculation: I have a limited amount of money, and I can either go there, or I can have this. If I go there, it’ll be great, but it’ll be done in no time. If I buy this thing, at least I’ll always have it. That is factually true, but not psychologically true. We adapt to our material goods, but the things we DO can make memories that last.



9. Reconcile Relationships.

Choose to extent forgiveness and let go. Make steps towards reconciling relationships with family and friends, this might mean you being the bigger person. Go out of your way to remind them that they are special and important to you.

10. Read More.

Knowledge is power, increase your knowledge by reading. Dust off the stack of books by your bed table. Do not forget spiritual books as they help you to get more perspective.


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