7 Reasons Why Women Have Gay BFF’s

Botswana Youth
3 Min Read

For many women, a gay best friend is the ultimate accessory and now scientists have revealed the reason most females crave one. Famous female celebrities who have close friendship with gay men include Victoria Beckham, Katie Price, Sienna Miller and Kate Moss. Now that our society is becoming more open to the gay community, we see a lot of girls hanging with gay men.


1. Fake Boyfriend

Whenever you’re at a club and some creepy dude is hitting on you, or whenever you need your mom to stop worrying that you’re going to die alone and have a life that you go on dates with, you have a perfectly usable male for your bidding.

2. Reality Checks

Straight friends are nice and all, but they pretty much put a big fancy bow on all the bad advice they give you. Oh he didn’t call you? He’s probably scared! Oh he didn’t call you for three weeks? You’re so independent he is probably scared. A gay friend will tell it like it is.

3. They Never Think You’re Mean

Lots of women friends will get all offended when you sit at a table and just gossip about every person you have ever met. Gay male friends join in with great fervor, and they use their stunning vocabulary to slice people open with a machete of words that will leave you with the great joy of laughing so hard.

4. If Gay Men Like You, Then You’re Cool

Like, they don’t want to sleep with you. They don’t want to borrow your purse. They don’t want you to make them look attractive. They don’t even need to ever talk to a woman.  They have all these fantastic other gay men to hang out with. But they do talk to you! Because you’re so effing great! I hope you feel special, because you are.

5. Parades

Gay Pride Parades are without a doubt the most fun, most joyous, and most colorful and interesting parades out there.  Glitter, people supporting equality, and lots of shirtless men.

6. Girlfriends Are Stressful

Girl friends go out and are prettier than you sometimes. Girl friends get all the male attention. Girl friends sometimes ask you if they can date your friend. Gay friends…well…okay they do all that. But it’s so much less annoying when they do it that nobody cares.

7. Will Never Steal Your Date

Some lady friends are like skanky moths to a man flame. Gay friends will never do that because they know that straight men are mostly boring and lame and that other gay men are way, way more interesting anyway. They keep their paws in the right honeypot.

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