10 Ways To Stand Out In Your Class!

Botswana Youth
5 Min Read
Grades will help you get hired later, but think of the few hundred other graduates who do even better. Universities like Limkokwing have school Ambassadors, who are given a leadership role, and most of it have used that privilege to succeed in the corporate world.The trick is to stand out from your peers, especially now that it’s towards the end of the semester.

1. Attend Class

Not only are you making the most of your tuition, going to class increases the opportunities for your professor and peers to know you. Class is also the perfect time to ask questions and share ideas, setting you a step further from your absent classmates.

2. Be Alert

On top of being physically present in class, show interest in your professor during lecture or even say hi to them when they walk in. The authors observe how few students do it, so being the one who does will make you stand out.

3. Be Respectful

Yes, you (or the government) is paying the professors to teach you, but that doesn’t give you the right to disrespect them. Two of the ways to surely annoy your professor are suggesting that “the professor has no idea what he or she is talking about” and disputing a grade like a ‘mad dog.’” There is a professional way to handle any disagreements.

4. Hang Out with Smart Friends

Pick your cohort as carefully as you pick your classes. They claim that hanging out with a crowd that doesn’t value their education will bring you down. Additionally, you can be remembered for the people you associate with. As the old saying goes: “Tell me who your friends are,
and I will tell you who you are.”

5. Participate!

Professors like to engage their students in lecture by posing questions to the class. Raise your hand to answer questions, ask questions, or simply just share your thoughts. It shows the professor you’re listening and interested in the material. Many students tend to shy away from participating because they’re too scared their response isn’t what the professor is looking for or it isn’t good enough. Don’t let this hold you back! The professor will be glad you took the chance to share.

6. Have A Relationship With Your Teachers

Another reason it’s great to get to know your professor is he or she could help you both academically and professionally. If your professor is teaching a class for the major you would ultimately like to pursue, he or she could offer you advice, guidance, and/or research opportunities.

7. The Teacher Can Learn From You, Too 

In a large lecture class, a way that professors get feedback on their teaching, other than evaluations, is by reading student work. If you engage by asking intelligent questions and providing intelligent answers, a professor might look to your paper or your test to see if his points are getting across.

8. Overcome Your Nervousness

Nearly everyone experiences nervousness when they perform in some way, whether in giving a speech, taking a test, offering a presentation, or answering in class. The only difference is that some people hide their nervousness more than others.

9. Take A Leadership Role

The next time you are doing group work, take control of a group project and build upon your leadership skills by employing that famous planning method. The results will be rewarding and the experience will look so good on your status.

10. Do All the Extras

 Going the extra mile with your school work is a good way to get in your professor’s good side. Go to office hours, ask questions, volunteer when a professor needs one, submit assignments on time, and aim for the best grade in class. Not only will your professors remember you as the hardworking student but you can set yourself apart from classmates who are just in the classroom for the sake of being there.
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