Call For Applications National Research Excellence Awards 2022

Botswana Youth
3 Min Read

The Ministry of Communications, Knowledge and Technology is pleased to announce the call for applications for the First Botswana National Research Excellence Awards for 2022 (NREA2022). The Awards were developed with the intention to build a national research and innovation ecosystem where excellence is rewarded and incentivized.

The main aim of the Awards is to recognize and reward excellence in research that has already been conducted and has started contributing towards achievement of a knowledge-based economy. The Awards will in the long term raise the profile of research conducted in Botswana. Furthermore, the National Research Excellence Awards will enhance Botswana’s novel approaches for promoting research and efficient knowledge generation and management as a vital resource for national development.

Eligible applicants include individuals or teams from Botswana publicly and privately funded institutions who have conducted research in Botswana within the last twenty years. Applicants must hold a minimum of bachelor’s degree, and be willing to have their research used in media briefings, documents and official websites.

Award categories that applicants can apply to directly include Early Career Researcher; Established Researcher; Inclusivity Category (Female Researcher); Research Team; Special Award Category covers the areas of Climate Change and Adaptation, Covid-19 research, Mental health, Agriculture, Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Information and Communication Technologies Research; Disruptive Research; Sponsored Award by Private Sector (ABSA Bank); and Best Research Reporter. The categories of Most Outstanding, Most Impactful and the Highly Rated Researchers will be selected from the submissions.

These first ever National Research Awards in Botswana have attracted the sponsorship of ABSA Bank. They are a collaboration between MCKT and the Botswana Academy of Science, Botswana Digital and Innovation Hub, Human Resource Development Council, and Companies and Intellectual Property Authority.

Interested researchers and journalists can obtain more information and apply online at the National Research Excellence Awards portal on this link The deadline for applications is 8th November 2022. The winners will be announced during an award ceremony to be held in Gaborone on Thursday 15th December 2022.

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