Ntlo Ya Dikgosi will convene the 10th Meeting of the 4th Ntlo Ya Dikgosi from the 10th August to the 12th August 2022 at Parliamentary Village. This is an urgent meeting which will solely consider the Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2022 (Bill No. 6 of 2022). This is in line with section 88 (2) of the constitution
The object of Bill No.6 of 2022 is to amend the Constitution to increase the number of elected members from 57 to 61. Clause 2 of the Bill proposes that section 58 (2) (a) of the Constitution be amended to effect the change.
The meeting will be held on the following days:
● Wednesday 0930 hours to 1600 hours
● Thursday 1000hours to 1600 hours
● Friday 0930hours to 1600hours
This meeting will be virtual and will broadcast live on Botswana Television. You can also follow the proceedings through Parliament Facebook page:
https: // www.facebook.com/BotswanParliament
For more information, contact Public Relations Office on 3705588/511/522/523 or Toll Free line 0800 600 927.