Create a Weekly Job Search Marketing Campaign Plan to Find a Job in Record Time

Botswana Youth
3 Min Read

First and foremost, decide how much of your job search time you are dedicating to each of the following: Networking, Direct Contact, Search Firms and Job Ads. Be mindful that most jobs are found through networking, so take that into consideration when you are allocating your time. After you have completed this task, it is time to create a simple Word document which you will use weekly as a guide to what to do. No later than Sunday, make sure that your plan for the upcoming week is finalized.
Sections of a Weekly Job Search Marketing Campaign
People to contact for the week: Write down the names of the people whom you have to contact for the week, the reason for contacting them, and their phone number and email address. For each person, make note of their preferred way to be contacted on the sheet.
Thank-you and other follow-up notes: Write down the names and contact information for all the people you have to thank, and people you have to follow-up with after meeting them. Follow-ups can be as simple as an email note.
Networking follow-up phone calls: Some estimates say that as much as 80 percent of new jobs are found through networking, so it should be a part of your weekly job search activities. Write down the name and contact information of people you have to follow-up with.
Research: Write down the name of companies and people who you have to research, and the resources you are using to get the information.
Job ads to respond to: List the job ads you are interested in, the positions, and at which company you plan to apply.
Networking events: List the networking events you plan to attend during the week, their dates, times and locations.
Recruitment firms to contact: List the recruitment firms you are interested in working with, the name of a recruiter if you have one, and their phone numbers and email addresses.
Other activities planned: Write down other activities that are important to your job search.
By implementing a weekly job search marketing campaign, job seekers are streamlining the job search process, allowing them to perform the critical activities that will assist them in finding new employment opportunities in record time. #KnowledgeExchange #RoadTo10Years

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