The Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry wishes to inform the General Public and Liquor Traders of the following:
Operating times for the sale of liquor during Good Friday and Easter Monday Public Holidays, thereby 15th and 18th April 2022, shall apply as per the Second Schedule of the Liquor (Amendment) Regulations 2018; and the Traditional Beer (Amendment) Regulations 2018.
Licence Days Hours
1. Bar Monday to Thursday 1200 hours to 2200 hours
Friday to Saturday and Public Holidays 1200 hours to 0000 hours
Sunday 1200 hours to 2200 hours
2. Bar in Restaurant Monday to Thursday 1200 hours to 2230 hours
Friday to Saturday and Public Holidays 1200 hours to 0000 hours
Sunday 1200 hours to 2230 hours
3. Club Liquor Monday to Thursday 1200 hours to 2200 hours
Friday to Saturday and Public Holidays 1200 hours to 0000 hours
Sunday 1200 hours to 2200 hours
4. Liquor Depot Monday to Thursday 1200 hours to 2200 hours
Friday to Saturday and Public Holidays 1200 hours to 0000 hours
1200 hours to 2200 hours
5. Bottle Store liquor Monday to Saturday and Public Holidays 1000 hours to 1930 hours
6. Distributor Liquor Monday to Saturday 0800 hours to 1700 hours
Public Holidays 0800 hours to 1300 hours
Sunday Closed
7. Wholesale Liquor Monday to Saturday 0800 hours to 1700 hours
Public Holidays 0800 hours to 1300hours
Sunday Closed
8. Discotheque/Night Club Monday to Sunday and Public Holidays 1900 hours to 0600 hours
9. Temporary Liquor
Trade Fair Monday to Saturday and Public Holidays 1200 hours to 2000 hours
Sunday 1200 hours to 1800 hours
Festivals Monday to Saturday and Public Holidays 1200 hours to 0600 hours
Sunday 1200 hours to 2200 hours
Picnics Monday to Saturday and Public Holidays 1200 hours to 0600 hours
Sunday 1200 hours to 2200 hours
Other Public Activities Monday to Saturday and Public Holidays 1200 hours to 0600 hours
Sunday 1200 hours to 2200 hours
Declared Traditional Beer (Home Brews)
Declared Traditional Beer (Home Brew) Monday to Sunday and Public Holidays 1000 hours to 2000 hours
The General Public and Liquor Traders are advised to adhere to COVID-19 health protocols at all times.
For further clarity kindly contact MITI Public Relations Office at 3601330/209/318 or by email at [email protected]