In Botswana there has been a number of riots erupting from how people where dressed. In the capital city of Gaborone, women mostly have been harassed for their dress-ups. In today’s edition we share with you why it is important to wear what resonates within you and not what people think about you. Here are 5 reasons why you should not be bothered.
People will always find someone to talk about
Throughout history, people have always found someone to talk about. They’ve ganged up on those they perceived as different, or in some way a threat to their own existence.
Your self-worth isn’t defined by an approval rating
No matter what the naysayers and the purveyors of negativity around you might say, your self-worth isn’t defined by an approval rating. There’s no objective rating scale that allows another person to judge you. They don’t know what you’ve been through.
They don’t know your journey, where you’ve been or where you’re heading
Trust your intuition and who you are deep down inside
One reason why you absolutely shouldn’t listen to the opinion of other people is because you should trust your intuition. You should trust who you are and why you’re doing the things that you’re doing.
You will never please everyone with your decisions so don’t try
It’s literally impossible to please everyone. No matter what decision you make, someone is going to be upset. Someone is going to have an opinion of which path you follow or which direction you choose. They will judge you on what you do for your children, what you do for your career, what you do for your education, who your friends are, the places you spend your time, what you do for a living, and everything else in between.