We are still together- Mayor’s wife to be!

Botswana Youth
1 Min Read

The city mayor who has been a darling to the local tabloid newspaper has not been dumped. It has been reported this morning through one of the newspapers that the mayor’s girlfriend and alleged wife to be Botho Dipatane insisted that they have not parted ways. It s said that the duet have decided that they will not be living in the same house for a certain time until they have settled all troubles irking at their relationship.

The mayor has been fingered in alleged rape accusations. Las week he made a Facebook rebuttal about their alleged broken relationship with Botho. In his post the mayor had said that the girlfriend was fuming because she allegedly has been going for sometime with meals. What triggered interest around the rebuttal statement was when the mayor mentioned that there was a certain camel that has been at her food. Social media went into laughter mode from the post making meme after another.

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