2018 University of Pretoria MasterCard Foundation Scholarship
Application Deadline: August 30th 2017
The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program (MCFSP) targets academically qualified, yet economically disadvantaged young people in South Africa, SADC and the rest of Africa, who will contribute to the transformation of the continent. Community service is a necessary component of the Program with all students giving back to disadvantaged communities.
All potential MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program (MCFSP) applicants for academic year 2018 have to apply at the respective faculty FIRST before applying for the MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program. Once your application has been approved then you may apply for the MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program.
No MCFSP applications will be considered if you have not applied at the faculty first.
Eligibility Criteria
* Candidates should be citizens from Sub-Saharan African country.
* Applicants should come from economically disadvantaged backgrounds and demonstrate financial neediness.
* Candidates should demonstrate leadership potential and ought to be involved in a giving back project eg. in a community, at school, church etc
* Academic excellence is paramount and students have to maintain a high academic average at all times.
* Candidates need to be first time applicants as first year students in the degree programme.
Undergraduate Course covered
Faculty of Engineering – BEng
Industrial Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Electronic Engineering
Electric Engineering
Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering
Mining Engineering
Computer Engineering
Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences – BCom
Accounting Science
Financial Science
Agribusiness Management
Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Science – BSc Agric
Food Science and Technology
Agricultural Economics/Agribusiness Management
Animal Science
Plant Pathology
Applied Plant and Soil Sciences
Postgraduate programs in the above fields may also apply. Honours studies will be considered if students are willing to commit to Masters Studies.
Scholarship Coverage
If your MCFSP application is successful the Program will cover the following:
* Full tuition fees
* Accommodation in a UP residence
* Meals
* Books and printed material
* A modest monthly stipend
* Medical aid (Ingwe only)
* Travel costs (one return trip for the duration of the study period)
* Cost of one visa application for the duration of the study period.
For further details and to download application forms