Redemption a way out for thousands
Arrive in rags they label you one of the peasants
Shine like an emerald you are already a star
Careful not to let them pour on your head stuff as black as tar
They know not what you possess
To them you are nothing but stress
In you there is talent unearthed
Burdens too heavy for one to bear pile on thy shoulders day in and day out
These pains, worries and somber moments leave you rather stout
Fear no longer an option for those with deeds too devious to define
A mouthful of words too bitter to refine
Bile is no longer just the pancreases’ by product
This here is no choir for the choir-master to conduct
In one, there is anger unearthed
Just one being is enough to make you smile
Friends and foes rather similar these days
Very few around you choose to stay, but only one forever stays
That one, is you
A peaceful mind only with peace to share
Don’t give such a stare
In her, there is tons of love unearthed
Her thoughts after much therapy still remain bothered
Her brain cells suffocating as if smothered
Crumpled up fabrics of the heart still not smoothed
Her head droops low most of the time as if seriously troubled
Her presence solely, by many, missed
A troubled mind forces her into meditation still, the details not so detailed
She is a character unearthed
Gofaone Tamocha