Be an overcomer

Botswana Youth
5 Min Read

Many people go through life feeling helpless and trapped by past experiences. Some have been hurt before and struggle to put the past in the past and embrace the possibility of a new future while others may be so consumed by past experiences that they are intent on punishing anyone who will become a part of their lives in the future. Then there are those that are haunted by the past. This group of people are haunted by what they did in the past and cannot detach the label imposed on them because of such acts; they are suffocated by self loathing. All these however have one thing in common; a lack of vision.

They can’t imagine a life different from what they have already experienced; they cannot see themselves being free from the crippling past. Overcomers use their hurt and pain to step into new heights, new territories while victims use it to stay the same, to have something to justify their discontent. Overcomers acknowledge that the past happened and there is nothing they can do about it but ask a very important question – what can I do now so that my tomorrow becomes a different story? Truth be told nothing changes unless we ourselves change. You have to be intentional in your pursuit of freedom. If you sit back and do nothing the future will shape itself without your input, with material from your past and your future will be exactly the same as your past. It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Whatever you believe, you will live your life as if it is true. However if you become proactive and give a different input your future will be different. You are where you are because you choose to be there, regardless of your past. You will be where you will be because you choose to go there. You have the power to make your life whatever you want it to be. You can start to shape a different future today.

First change your mind, change your opinion about the relationship between your past and your future, realise that the only thing connecting these two things is yourself. Change your thinking patterns and attitudes. Believe that indeed your future is in your hands, that the power is inside of you. This is the foundation of your transformation, if you can successfully adapt this new vision the rest will fall into place. It is the most important part of the journey to your new self because thoughts are powerful. Your thoughts become your words and your words are the building blocks of your reality. If you are struggling to change your thinking find out what works best for you, for some the break may come from reading a good book or listening to good music or motivational talks that deal specifically with taking control of your thoughts. For some this may be as simple as spending more time with people that have already conquered in this area and staying away from negative toxic relationships. It may not be easy for some people but stay consistent until that shift takes place. You cannot control what comes into your mind but you do control what stays there, so if a thought comes in that is contrary to this new thinking that you want to develop discard it by deliberately bringing something else into your mind. Once you start thinking good thoughts stay on the course, become conscious of your thoughts and your words and continue to discard negative ones and entertain good productive thoughts until you develop this thinking pattern as a lifestyle.

You will now have a new vision, you have changed and things will begin to change around you. When bad things happen in your life you will respond differently and hence the outcome will be different. As you grow in this new life you begin to attract things that align with the new thinking pattern and attitude, you write a new history of your life. You can be whatever you want, you can have whatever you want.


Hortantia Tebogo

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