Botswana Joins In The Back To The City Festival 10 Years Celebrations

Botswana Youth
1 Min Read

The biggest and the only hip Hop gathering in Africa is celebrating 10 years in the game. What began at the corner of Henry Nxumalo and Bree with one man’s dream to celebrate hip hop, connecting the globe and bringing youth under one theme has now grown into a multi-million dollar industry that has stretched to cities across Europe, Asia and of course Africa with Johannesburg being no exception.

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To us here in Botswana where Hip Hop is growing, this event comes as an opportunity to network, share and join in experiences with 23 000 plus people, attend the hip hop summit, live performances, basketball, skating, live bands stage, market your brands, and to also enjoy 100% hip hop elements

All local  artists, deejays, promoters and all other hip hop stake holders will be doing themselves justice if they make arrangements to attend the event.  For special packages from Botswana, call 71565927 or 71460818 to reserve or purchase your packages. More information regarding the trip is available on the artwork below.

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