Our immune system does a remarkable job of defending us against disease-causing microorganisms. But sometimes it fails: A germ invades successfully and makes you sick. Is it possible to intervene in this process and make your immune system stronger? What if you improve your diet? Take certain vitamins or herbal preparations? Make other lifestyle changes in the hope of producing a near-perfect immune response? Consider the following tips.
1. Get Enough Protein.
Eating a balanced diet ensures that the right nutrients reach the bone marrow, where white blood cells are produced. Start by making sure to eat plenty of protein, which is the most important component of white blood cells. You can get protein from meat, dairy, eggs and vegetables.
2. Get Enough Sleep.
Getting adequate sleep not only improves your mood and energy levels, it prevents strokes and helps you manage your weight. 1BBSufficient deep sleep also helps the cells replenish and regenerate and is therefore necessary if you want to maintain a healthy immune system
3. Avoid Tobacco Smoke.
Smoking harms nearly every organ in the body, damages your immune system and increases the likelihood for stroke, heart attack, and lung cancer. ]In addition, smoking exposes the body to carcinogenic chemicals and tar, which results in an increase in infections by putting your immune system into overdrive.
4. Choose The Right Fats.
Avoid saturated fats, but eat plenty of unsaturated fats. Saturated fats increase the risk of heart disease, but unsaturated fats aid absorption of fat-soluble vitamins in the body. These “good fats” are found in corn, sesame, safflower, soybean, and cottonseed oils.
5. Be Skeptical Of “Immune-Boosting” Products.
Increasing the number of certain “good” cells in your body can increase the risk of stroke. The best thing you can do for your immune system is to live a healthy daily lifestyle and get proper and timely medical treatment for illnesses and infections.
6. Exercise Regularly.
Getting enough exercise improves your cardiovascular health, and greatly reduces the likelihood of certain chronic diseases.. Exercise increases the flow of blood through different parts of the body, and it increases the body’s excretion of harmful metabolites, helping your immune system function properly. So run, bike, swim, walk , whatever gets you moving!
7. Drink Enough Water.
Water helps energize your muscles, improve bowel function, and balance your body’s fluid levels. You should drink 8 glasses of water every day. Avoid quenching your thirst with soda, alcohol, tea, or coffee, as these drinks actually dehydrate you.
8. Limit Alcohol Consumption.
When it is metabolized in the body, alcohol results in the formation of harmful chemicals, which can destroy white blood cells. Alcohol also decreases the absorption of many vitamins and minerals, adversely affecting white blood cell count.
9. Be Hygienic.
Hygiene goes beyond looking and smelling your best. Taking the proper precautions can help prevent the onset and spread of infections or other illnesses. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water. You should wash your hands after using the restroom, before, after, and while cooking food, after handling animals or animal waste, and before eating.
10. Manage Stress.
Stress isn’t just an emotion; it has physical repercussions, and chronic stress can negatively affect your immune system.Stress strains the body’s resources, which can decrease the function of your immune system.