5 Reasons not to give up on love. Looking for love is an exciting adventure. You get to meet new people, go out and have fun dates, and maybe, just maybe, meet the love of your life.But dating can also be a huge bummer, and there are times when the journey is more frustrating than fun, especially as you get older. Here is why you shouldn’t lose faith in love;

1. Love Teaches Lessons
Going through another failed relationship can be a frustrating, heartbreaking, and depressing experience. But remember that timing is everything. Just because that love is over doesn’t mean love is over for you.Instead of viewing your failed relationships as wastes of time, make a list of everything you learned from that relationship.
2. You Have the Time to Grow
Your single years are all about learning who you are and growing from each experience you go through.If your ultimate goal is to, get married why not use this time to grow and develop skills and traits that would make you a great husband or wife?Now is the time to do some self-exploration and work out who you want to be for yourself, your friends, family, and your future partner.

3. Now Is the Time for You
There is no better time to be a little selfish with your pursuits, energy, and focus than while you are single. Now is the time for you to take strides toward your dream career, to travel, and to focus on your social life.
Use this time as an excuse to focus on yourself and find out who you are when you aren’t part of a “We.”Not only will this be good for your mental health and personal growth, but your confidence in yourself will also be incredibly appealing to your future partner.
4. You Deserve More Than Settling
If you want to find real love, you must be willing to stick it out for your perfect person instead of settling! When you wait to find that perfect person for you, you ensure that your personalities gel.If you haven’t found that yet, then why settle? You deserve the best relationship possible, so don’t give up on love yet.

5. Things Worth Doing Are Rarely Easy
Think about it. The best things in life – the things that make you feel accomplished, proud of yourself, and inspired to do better are always difficult. Getting a degree, running with endurance, getting fit/losing weight, breaking a bad habit, learning something new like scuba diving or how to speak another language and so does loving someone.