3 Young Batswana Set Up A Boutique To Meet The Needs Of The Elderly

Botswana Youth
2 Min Read

When people think of the word Boutique, they think of glamour, the latest trends, fashion and anything related. In this case, it is quite the opposite, this boutique of its own kind will only provide adaptive clothing for the elderly and those with special needs.


Optimus Medical Group, trading as AdaptMart, is the brainchild of three young Batswana students, Mr. Lefika Bathobakae, Mr. Howard Morakanyane and Ms. Pako Lekoko. It aims to provide value for money and the fullest range of products possible, to meet the sensitive needs and expectations of senior citizens, and other disadvantaged individuals. Adaptive clothing and home health aides are essential for the ease and comfort of these individuals especially those with chronic medical conditions.

As Optimus Medical Group they share the burden, pain and universal emotion that other caretakers feel and experience, and as such they want to start up a specialist boutique to remedy the situation. The name AdaptMart, was chosen because it implies a sense of vitality and relief, and these are two ideas that could easily be used to describe the purpose of our social enterprise start-up.

As starting a business is not an easy thing, more so when a person is studying, these young people are seeking additional funding for their project in order to be able to import their first stock.  They urge the public to contribute to this cause.

For Donations Go Here—->https://www.gofundme.com/2qmwzbes

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