3 differences between Duma and Dumelang according to Lenyatso

Botswana Youth
4 Min Read

While he has always been known to be holding some kind of a grudge against the BCP, Mbaakanyi Lenyatso have tried to differentiate Boko and Saleshando in three (3) ways.

1. Decision Making

Boko can take decisions. According to Lenyatso, A leader needs to take decisions; whether bad or good, but decision must be arrived at. He admires Boko for being one of the few politicians who would go against the majority to protect the minority or to do what is right for the organization. Or what he honestly believes its right.
Lenyatso see Saleshando as a man who is good at politiking. He says Saleshando can easily make people like him, but can’t go against what people like even if the right thing is to do that. “Then his decision were popular once. That become dangerous now if you have to lead the state.” he noted.

2. Authority

Boko could raign authority over his luatenent. According to Lenyatso, Boko doesn’t consult to please, but to get the right information to take decisions. “He valued consultations for decision making not just for being political right. His consultations were not just to entertain followers but only if its necessary for decision making. And this might be his political down fall but it doesn’t mean he was wrong.” he said. Lenyatso and Duma Boko once sat together on the Umbrella for Democratic Change National Executive Committee (UDC NEC).

Commenting on Saleshando’s authority style, Lenyatso suggested, “Saleshando does not forgive those who does not agree with him. He hold a bit of grudge. He can’t even protect those who are against him from his followers. He would even set them against them to finish them off in the process destroying the same organization he wants to lead. He quickly plays to the galary. He is a very good politician , he finishes off his enemy at any opportunity he gets.”

3. Individual parties vs. UDC

Boko has UDC at heart more than BNF according to Lenyatso. That alone, to Lenyatso, is a clear sign that merging UDC under Boko will get the balance decision making based on all the people he had in UDC not BNF members.

On the other hand, Lenyatso says Saleshando is to BCP. According to Lenyatso, Saleshando never loved the UDC but only got into the UDC with intention of “swallowing UDC”. Lenyatso says the BCP controls Saleshando, and he is scared to correct them when they are out of order. “His arguments in every issue in UDC are pro BCP. I feared that if he wins will have BCP government in UDC coulers. .

Lenyatso lost in the 2019 general elections elections against Ignatius Moswaane. Not only him, but all the Botswana People’s Party (BPP) Parliamentary candidates lost. Though they lost in the previous elections as well, BPP blamed Saleshando and the Botswana Congress Party (BCP) for decampaigning BPP, and some other Botswana National Front (BNF) Parliamentary candidates.

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