Many young people aspire to be promoted to a managerial position. Don’t wait to begin positioning yourself for the next step in your leadership journey. With many senior executives leaving the work force in the near future, those who proactively pursue their own professional growth will be assured a place in the new generation of organization leaders. The following points outline what needs to take place to become a manager.
1. Ask To Fill In.
The boss will go on vacation or business travel. They have work to be done while they’re away and you can volunteer to cover for them or minimally to pick up some tasks of theirs. This will give you a taste of the work being performed and again demonstrate your ability to take on higher level responsibilities.
2. Become A Role Model Within Your Organization.
If you wish to grow into an executive role, you must be able to lead beyond your functional area. Core leadership skills and a strategic mindset are critical to being recognized as a leader in the organization. Exposure to strategic initiatives will help you gain perspective on how budgetary concerns and day-to-day activities on the department level contribute to the overall growth of the organization.
3. Take Classes And Read.
There are tons of management classes and books on management. Look for ones that are oriented toward the basics and beginning management as they will outline what you need to do in these early days. Higher level materials, while interesting, will assume you know these things and won’t go into much detail.
4. Communicate Your Accomplishments.
During the interview process, it’s crucial to be able to quantify the value you bring as a leader. Choose three to five primary accomplishments to concisely highlight, tying each back to a measurable outcome that had a positive impact in the organization.
5. Find A Role Model.
Observe the people who manage and find someone who you believe is both a great manager and is successful. Ask for them to mentor you and observe how they perform their management job. What makes them successful? You want to emulate some of that behavior.
6. Move Into A Mentoring Role.
The most influential senior leaders are perceived as valuable mentors who have a vital part to play in developing the next generation of leaders. Once you’ve advanced your skills to the point that others in the organization are approaching you for guidance and mentorship, you’re well positioned to expand your leadership role in the organization.
7. Seek Leadership Roles.
A great way to get started in management is to take on the role of project management or leader to a work effort. Many of the needed management skills are used in these situations. You are facilitating a group of people to get something accomplished. To do that you will exercise such things as: planning, directing, communicating, gaining agreement, following up, and so on.
8. Boost Your Visibility Across The Organization.
You’ll become more visible in the organization if you make it a point to be a part of informal activities that support and engage employees. Express your interest in the team by getting involved in the employee community. Others will see you as a loyal member of management who cares about the organization and those who work within it.
9. Become A Leader In The Community.
Community leadership roles present opportunities to enhance your skills and establish your reputation as a leader beyond your organization. Consider getting involved in professional associations, community health-related groups, the chamber of commerce, or other organizations that interest you.
10. Take Calculated Risks.
It can be difficult to take risks, but it’s necessary for professional growth and differentiates you from your peers. A leader’s willingness to assess the situation and take calculated risks based on educated decision-making is important in today’s healthcare environment, given the uncertainty about the future impact of reform.