Many women would love to forget the morning routine of carefully applying their makeup and go fresh-faced instead. This is because profuse use of makeup affects your skin badly and its texture becomes uneven. However, they may feel vulnerable and exposed without their makeup and are afraid of how they would look without it. The following tips will help you, to know how to be makeup free and still look pretty.
1. Drink Water Regularly.
Water enhances the flexibility of your skin and hydrates it. Before you start wondering on ways of how to look pretty without makeup, you should make sure that drink at least 8 glasses every day and that can make a beautiful sparkling glow linger on your skin for all day long.
2. Wash Your Face Regularly.
If you want to avoid makeup at any cost, you will have to make sure that you wash your face not only once in the morning but once at night time also. Wash your face preferably two times but not more than that because it will create irritation in your skin.
3. Eat Less Junk Food.
If you are really interested in knowing how to look pretty without makeup, change your diet. Stop eating junk food as it causes so many health issues. Further, you will have to stop drinking sodas too. Healthy food is really important to enrich the beauty of your skin and also for overall healthy functioning of your body.
4. Moisturize Your Lips.
Your lips are the most prominent feature of your face. You should pay special attention to their natural look, color and shape. Lips become cracked and dried up easily with the changing weather and thus require your special attention if you really want to know how to look pretty without makeup.
5. Take Care Of Your Hair.
Your hairs are integral part of your personality and enhance your look if you have tended them carefully. Wash your hair daily and make sure that it is always clean. Choose a shampoo that suits well with your type of hair and combine it with a good hair conditioner.
6. Do Not Touch Your Face Unnecessarily.
Usually people have the habit of touching their faces and skin needlessly all day long. This habit is quite hard to break. One of the mantras to how to look pretty without makeup is to keep your hands off your face. This actually hurts and damages your skin as it is really delicate and more susceptible to wear and tear.
7. Exfoliate Once A Week.
Exfoliation removes dead skin cells from the surface of the skin, leaving your face looking fresh and radiant. It can really help to give a healthy glow to your skin, which is a bonus when you’re aiming to go makeup free.
8. Smile.
Smiling brightens up your face and allows your inner beauty to shine through. It gives the impression of happiness and confidence, while also making you more attractive to others. Smiling more often will help you to look your best, regardless of whether you’re wearing makeup or not.
9. Dress Well.
Feeling good without makeup will rely on how confident you feel about the rest of your appearance. Every girl knows that a killer outfit can make her feel like she can take on the world, so use the time that you would normally spend on making up your face on planning the perfect outfit.
10. Convince Yourself That You Are Beautiful.
It is just like restoring confidence in your own being and certainly the first step in knowing how to look pretty without makeup. It totally depends on your own will. Think and believe that you have your own charisma and assert it with confidence among people instead of feeling shy before people whom you think beautiful. Understand and repeat it to yourself that you are pretty without makeup.