Ever heard of the saying summer bodies are made in winter? At this time every year it seems so many people go into hibernation and swap exercise for warm, fatty foods and staying indoors on their couch. Don’t let a little chilly weather this winter deter you from sculpting the body you’ve always wanted.
1. Buy New Gym Clothes.
Look good, feel good! If you need to put a little pep in your step, try buying some new work-out clothes. Everyone loves shopping, and exercising will give you a great excuse to buy and wear new items.
2. Fight The Weather.
If you are one of those people who stays close to the couch after you get home from work, you’re not alone. To fight the urge to stay inside, pack a gym bag and bring it to work. You’re already out for the day, so you really have no excuse to skip the gym.
3. If You’re Hungry, Eat!
The biggest mistake people make is starving themselves. If you do this, all you’re doing is slowing down your metabolism! If you want to eat, then eat! Just remember portion control. The longer you starve yourself, the greater your chances of a horrible gut-wrenching binge later on.
4. Be Active On Weekends.
Stop wasting your weekends in a massive hungover state. These work-free days are perfect for doing what you couldn’t during the week. You have hours upon hours to yourself, so why not dedicate at least one to making yourself feel better?
5. Cook Foods You’ll Enjoy Eating.
You need to buy things you actually like eating. An issue many people have is after they finish preparing a meal, they’re still hungry and, as a result, they eat whatever they can get their hands on. You can avoid this by preparing meals designed to actually feed you, with lots of lean proteins and complex carbs.
6. Work Out At Home
There are tons of exercises you can do from the comfort of your own home if you don’t feel like stepping foot into a gym. If you want to take the less intense route, YouTube is flooded with a variety of in-home work-out videos.
7. Try Something New.
There are all sorts of alternative exercise options out there. You could do a planned boxing class, take a run around your local park with friends, join a dance class, or you could even join an early morning boot camp. No matter what you choose, spicing it up will keep you interested and motivated to stay on track.
8. Have Discipline.
Set your workout times and stick to them. Having a clear idea of when you will and can workout will keep you on track and you can plan your life around this. Depending on how much you want it your workout should be prioritized into your day and week!
9. Nutrition.
Make sure you are eating the right foods to support your fitness goals. Stay on track as much as possible around your parties. Cooking ahead and in advance will stop the likelihood of buying poor foods on the way home from work and putting something together in a rush at the end of a busy day
10. Maintain The Rest Of Your Body.
Look good, feel good. If you’re keeping up with the rest of your appearance, you’re only going to want your body to match. So don’t skip those trips to the nail or hair salon. Feeling good is just as important as looking good and your mental health is just as important as your physical health.