10 Ways To Prevent And Cure A Hangover

Botswana Youth
4 Min Read

We all wish there were a magic cure for hangovers, but unfortunately they usually involve some amount of pain. However, certain things can be done to alleviate headaches, nausea, fatigue, and anxiety that come the morning after drinking. Note this: There’s no magic potion that gets rid of a hangover, the only way you can avoid that tired-headachy-nauseated feeling is to drink less.


1. Drink Plenty Of Water.

Hangovers are a sign that your body is extremely dehydrated. Staying hydrated will alleviate the headaches, dizziness, and lightheadedness that result from a hangover. It is especially important to load up on fluids if you are vomiting. Avoid coffee or caffeinated teas.

2. Avoid Alcohol.

It will provide a numbing effect, but all you’re doing is prolonging the inevitable, and it will likely make your headache worse. Another reason to avoid cracking open a cold one to cure a hangover is that if you use this “cure,” the risk of abuse increases and could lead to alcohol dependency.

3. Take A Painkiller.

Avoid Acetaminophen, due to liver-damaging reactions with alcohol metabolites. Aspirin or ibuprofen are both fine choices if you have a headache. Be sure to read the instructions and take only the recommended dose.

4. Exercise.

Go for a light walk, run, or swim. The endorphins released during exercise can help improve your mood, which is important if you are feeling anxious as a result of being hungover. Exercise also speeds up the the process of metabolizing the alcohol, helping it leave your system faster.

5. Eat Up.

Having food in your stomach while drinking reduces how high your peak blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) gets by about a third. Don’t wait until the end of the night to polish off a pizza. It might be too late.

6. Stay Away From Sugary Mixed Drinks.

Margaritas may be delicious, but all that sugar masks the alcohol flavor, making it easy to consume more than you realize you’re taking in. The same goes for other cocktails made with sodas and fruit juices.

7. Pace Yourself When Drinking.

It takes your body about one hour to metabolize each drink.  Spacing out your drinks will help give your body enough time to recover from each one, dramatically reducing the likelihood of getting a hangover.

8. Distract Yourself.

Beating yourself up for having a hangover will only make you feel worse. Giving yourself time to rest and recover is the only way to make it go away, so take advantage of your “free” day by catching up on your favorite shows, watching a new movie, or reading a book. You’ll feel better tomorrow.

9. Go Back To Sleep.

Alcohol disrupts the sleep cycle, so part of the reason you are feeling so tired is because your body is sleep-deprived. Getting a few more hours of sleep will have you feeling better in no time. You will wake up feeling better.

10. The Best Cure: Prevention.

You’re a grown adult, you know to drink responsibly. But just in case you forgot: Limit your drinks to about one every hour. Your body metabolizes each beer (or wine or shot) in about 60 to 75 minutes. Think before you order that extra round.

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