One of the worst things that can happen to an individual is to fail their final school leaving examinations. To all those who did not do that well in their exams, even though your grades might not be what you were hoping for, they don’t mean that your future is hopeless, that you’re a failure, or you won’t be able to achieve great things. Here are some suggestions that can help you manage the situation:
1. Talk To Someone.
Talking to a friend, teacher, professor, or school counselor can be a great way of expressing your feelings and exploring other options. A teacher or professor in particular might be able to help you brainstorm ideas to explore other options like re-writing.
2. Explore Other Options.
Sometimes expectations are only focused on one outcome, and if you don’t meet that outcome, you might feel disappointed or like you’ve failed. Usually there are a number of ways to achieve a goal. It might help to talk to someone you trust about what some different strategies might be. Try talking to friends, family members, teachers or a counselor.
3. Chill Out.
Sometimes getting some space and a change of scenery can be helpful, and it’s important to give yourself permission to do this. Try going for a walk, listening to your favorite music, reading a book or going to the movies—whatever makes you happiest.
4. Express Your Feelings.
Write down your feelings in a journal. This can be a great way to help you understand a situation and your expectations for the outcomes. Journaling can also help you think about alternative solutions to problems. You might want to also try expression yourself in other ways, like yelling, crying into a pillow or dancing around your room to loud music.
5. Look After Yourself.
Expectations can lead to a lot of stress. It’s important to make sure that you’re taking care of yourself physically as well as mentally. Even though you might not feel like it or think you don’t have time, exercising and eating well can help you feel better. Making sure you are getting enough sleep can also help.
6. Exercise
This helps stimulate hormones that help you feel better physically and emotionally. If you haven’t exercised a lot before, it might be a good idea to start out by doing something small a couple of times each week, like a 15-minute walk or a few laps in a pool. You can also visit your medical doctor for a check-up to make sure you’re physically healthy.
7. Avoid Drugs And Alcohol.
Try not to use alcohol or other drugs including lots of caffeine or other energy drinks in the hope of feeling better or forgetting about expectations and pressure. The feeling is usually temporary and after the substance wears off, you often feel worse than when you started.
8. Let The Emotions Out.
It sucks when you’ve done badly at something. Particularly when you’ve thrown your heart and soul at it. When you’ve done badly you need to give your emotions some space to come out. So, whether you want to sob into your pillow or scream from an isolated hill top, do it.
9. Remind Yourself of Your Past Successes
Failing doesn’t mean that you’re worthless, or that you’ll never achieve the things you want. Think of all the times in the past when you’ve succeeded. Your past successes are important, but so are your past failures. You’ve made mistakes before, and you’ve survived them
10. Make A Decision
Whatever went wrong, you’re probably facing some sort of decision even once the initial consequences are over. Don’t rush into making hasty decisions though, but do look for a forward path. That might require some deep thinking. “Doing nothing” is certainly an option, but it’s a decision in itself, and often one that won’t lead to anything positive.