Its holiday time, and more cases of crime usually get reported during this 5 day holiday. Today we share with you tips on how you could keep your home safe during the coming holidays, beginning Monday.
Protect your house from intruders.
Keep the keys from easy to spot places
Alert neighbours about your departure
Keep in touch with people back home
Don’t leave the TV on that is pretty obvious that you are not in.
Put outside lights on a timer. For added security, you may consider putting the inside lights on a timer as well in order to give the impression that someone is home.
Keep security gates locked and the perimeter beams on if you are entertaining outside. There’s no safety in numbers anymore and thieves will often strike regardless of how many people are around.
Don’t walk alone in secluded areas, regardless of how safe it appears to be.
Keep an eye out for suspicious-looking people roaming the neighbourhood and report them to your local community watch if their behaviour concerns you.