- Its not about looks ladies, even the most beautiful girl struggles to keep a man, or even get one. Men are just like us, complex, they will flirt with A-list girls, but will eventually settle with an average Jane. Consider the following things that can make your man stay and love you dearly.
1. A Good Listener
Most men appreciate women who are able to just listen – no “ I told you so” lines, no lectures, tips or comments regarding what you would do if you were in his place.and that involves being patient as well, understanding that most men need to process their problems before they can talk about them.
2. Spontaneous
Being able to go with the flow is one of the traits men like in women the most. Most of our men would never sing in front of us (professional singers excluded) but they just love to hear us sing (even if it sounds more like howling), they love to see us dance around the house, they will gladly throw us a surprise if they know the reaction will be positive and they love to see us being us (even if it involves a certain dose of silliness).
3. A Good Driver
Although our men often complain about female drivers, most of them would agree driving skills are a must for a modern woman. But, some of them are ready to go even further and admit they love a woman who can make that engine purr like an overgrown kitten! Shocking? Nah, not really!
4. Accomplished And Fulfilled
Women who actually enjoy the things they do are more attractive, which means you should definitely stop whining about the things you don’t have and start enjoying the things you DO! It’s not about being extremely beautiful, having a good job, an impressive resume or whatnot – it’s about you being happy about who you are as a person, it’s about being positive, about knowing that you’re a great woman who deserves great things.
5. Able To Enjoy Food
Eating healthy food and trying to cut down on unnecessary calories is one thing; obsessively counting them is something completely different. While this first thing is actually good for you, the second one won’t really impress him. Being able to go out to a restaurant or a pizza place, to relax, to have a good time and talk about your food in terms of how good it tastes instead of how fat it’s going to make you?
6. A Good Cook
Our grandmas used to say that the only way to get to a man’s heart is through his stomach – remember that one? Men love women who can cook and women who would be willing to learn to cook for them.
7. Real
Although fake girls with their fake this, that and everything turn a lot of heads and probably get a lot of free drinks, most men have agreed they could never choose a girl like that for something more than just a casual romance. Whoa! What a coincidence – we feel the same way about fake guys!
8. Ready To Compromise
Every man feels better when he knows his lady is ready to negotiate and work hard to find a solution that will be acceptable for both sides. So, be ready to compromise, girls, because although guys like boobs and long legs, they all agree this non-physical quality is far more important.
9. Caring
He really wants to know that you care for him but be careful, because repeating “I love you” until he can’t take it anymore isn’t a good way to let him know how you feel. An average man will tell you that he loves you once and show you how much he loves you five times. You should do the same.
10. Funny
A sense of humor is also one of the things men like in women, especially in women they are planning to settle down with! Time to find your funny bone, ladies!