Any man can make a baby, but it takes a special kind of man to be a father to that child. Many times women find themselves wondering if their partners have what it takes to be parents. This might be due to the fact that there are so many absent fathers in the country making it difficult for one to raise their children. The following signs will help you establish if your man is fir enough to be a dad.
1. He’s Playful
Those sweet times when he pins you down and relentlessly tickles you until you are both winded are the times when you can imagine him doing the same with your kids. He already loves making silly “Dad jokes,” so he’s well-prepared to entertain your daughter’s carpool.
2. He Is Good At Putting Things Together
If he can build furniture, fix the dishwasher and complete all the household handy work on his own, then it’s a good sign. These are all indicators that he’ll be the amazing type of dad who leads by example, teaches his children how to thoughtfully approach a problem and encourages them to figure things out on their own.
3. He Doesn’t Lose His Cool Under Pressure
No matter how angelic your babies are when they’re first born, they will have their moments of monstrosity that will make you want to lose it. It’s important that he can handle those hair-pulling situations in a mature, sound manner. Even when your boyfriend is heated, remaining in-control and thinking clearly will make him an effective parent.
4. He Isn’t Afraid To Hug It Out
Your partner will make a loving father because he’s comfortable with showing affection and compassion. Just as he showers you with kisses and tenderness, he’ll be warm and devoted to his kids. He might have a hard exterior, but inside, he’s soft for his family.
5. He’s Good At Giving Tough Love
While his gentleness is definitely an attractive quality, you equally love that he can tell it like it is for everyone’s benefit. It’s his tough love that makes you a better person.MWhen you need honest advice about your career, your relationships, anything, he’s your go-to guy. And it’s comforting to know that he can be that respected, sage man in your children’s lives.
6. He Doesn’t Need To Be The Center Of Attention.
One of the immediate challenges of going from two to three in a family is that #3 is going to get the majority the attention for the foreseeable future. Guys can be needy and it would be an adjustment when he needs to share your attention with someone else. A man who’s content to take a back seat once in a while will be a happy new father.
7. He’s Rich In Something Other Than Money.
Guys can panic about being able to provide financially for a family but a good dad knows that children need your presence not your presents. Sure, a good dad is financially responsible but he shouldn’t measure his self-worth by his paycheck.
8. He’s Got Close Friends.
Do his friends come to him looking for advice not just for a drinking buddy? Can you picture one of his guy friends, one day, giving heartfelt advice to your daughter? If so, that’s a very good sign.
9. He’s Very Good At Something.
Doesn’t matter if it’s rebuilding a transmission or mixed-pairs figure skating as long as he knows what it means to be bad at something and struggle to get good at it. The work ethic and patience involved in learning to master a skill will be key when he’s learning to be a great parent.
10. He Genuinely Wants To Be A Dad.
This might sound obvious but you’d be amazed what a man will agree to if his partner asks often enough. It’s fine to talk someone into ordering Thai instead of pizza, but having a baby shouldn’t require even the slightest bit of convincing. If he’s excited about the baby-to-be, something tells me he’ll be A-OK.