10 Simple Ways On Caring For Your Suede

Botswana Youth
5 Min Read

Suede leather, as opposed to suede fabric, is made from the soft inner layer of cow, deer or pig hide. Suede garments, shoes, handbags and other accessories are delicate and beautiful, but very easy to scuff and stain. Read the following article that provides information on everyday care for suede and how to remove dirt and stains.


1. Brush Regularly.

Proper caring for suede leather starts with a good brush and unless you happen to suffer a major wardrobe malfunction, this is one of a very few tools you’ll ever have to use. It helps remove dirt and dust, keeps the leather soft and fresh-looking and is a must-have in case you love this type of leather.

2. Stay Away From Water.

Water and suede aren’t the best of pals which unfortunately means you can’t rely on baby wipes and there’s always water stains to worry about. In case you do manage to get your favorite suede item wet, you should pat it dry ever so lightly and try to brush out any remaining water stains only after they have dried completely.

3. Leave It To A Pro.

Scuffs, bald spots and color transfer are three major concerns when it comes to suede leather and, although you might be tempted to DIY it back to health, leave this to a pro. A local cobbler should be able to buff suede back to its former glory without charging you an arm and a leg for it, while the help of a posh leather care specialist will cost considerably more but is a valid choice in case of major repairs.

4. Store Carefully.

Supple as sin comes with a price – suede warps in humid and warm weather. Avoid this by choosing cool and dry storage for your belongings making sure they are either stuffed or hanged properly in order to prevent creasing.

5. Use A Suede Protector Spray.

Suede protector sprays may be purchased at leather stores or other places that sell suede. They protect the suede from water and other elements that might stain or damage it. Spray the protector all over the suede item, taking care not to soak it in any one area.  Allow it to dry according to the instructions on the package.

6. Wear Suede Properly.

Avoid wearing suede in conditions that may damage it, such as rainy or snowy weather. Hot, humid weather is also not optimal for suede. Avoid spraying suede with perfume, cologne, hairspray, or other items containing chemicals that might harm the suede.

7. Bring Your Suede Back To Life With A Toothbrush. 

Should your suede begin to look tired and flattened, scrub it with a clean toothbrush or terrycloth towel. If it’s really in bad shape, hold your shoe above steam, even from a teakettle for a few seconds, and then brush it.

8. Treat Dried Stains With White Vinegar.

Approach dried stains, like dirt, a little differently. For a quick fix, rub off dirt with a kneaded eraser or an emery board. For heavier stains, blot the stain using a small amount of white vinegar and a clean towel. Repeat for as long as necessary until you see your stain disappear. This is a great way to get rid of both water and salt stains.

9. Use Talcum Powder Or Corn Meal For Liquid Spills.

If your spill liquid on your boots, pat the area with a clean cloth or towel and then apply a layer of corn meal or talcum powder. Let it set overnight, and then brush the suede the following day with a suede brush to remove the dried powder.

10. Let The Suede Breathe.

Unlike some types of footwear that can be stored easily in plastic containers, suede requires exposure to air. When storing the boots in a closet, slip them into cotton pillowcases. The cotton will promote air circulation while also protecting the boots from the accumulation of dust.

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