10 Signs That Tells Your Relationship Is About To End

Botswana Youth
4 Min Read

10 Signs That Tells Your Relationship Is About To End

No matter how shocked you feel by a breakup, your partner will most likely send a few distress signals before they break up with you. People really disengage when a relationship is about to end and will always want their partner to see they not happy.

Below are some of the signs that will help you notice the relationship is just about to die;

  1. Spending time together is boring. Both of you just don’t have anything to talk about anymore. Silence in conversations is a sign of comfort, but in your case, it makes you feel awkward or want to yawn! There are no little talks anymore, and your partner’s company just bores you to death.

2. You’re not emotionally connected anymore. You’re indifferent to your partner’s feelings and thoughts. You may pretend to care about your boyfriend or girlfriend, but deep inside, you know you don’t really give a damn about what your partner is feeling or what they’re up to. You love your partner, but you don’t want to involve yourself so deep that you have to play a part in making them feel better about themselves.

3. You can’t see a future together. There are no talks about the future between the both of you. And your partner no longer plays a pivotal role in your big scheme of things. If there are any thoughts on the future, the last person you think of is your significant other!

4. You don’t respect your partner anymore. You think your partner is a good person, but deep within, you don’t admire them or think their words are worth your time. If you don’t think your partner is worth your admiration, in all probability, you may be looking down at your partner or perhaps even feel embarrassed by them!

5. Your partner is full of flaws. You can’t help but constantly pick flaws in your partner. All the time! Every time you see them, or every time they do something, they just seem to be riddled with flaws and imperfections.

6. Daily lives. You don’t tell your partner about your daily events. And you don’t ask your partner about their day. And frankly, you don’t care!

7. No sex. It’s not that you hate sex, but somehow you don’t enjoy having sex with your partner anymore. You like sex, but having sex with your partner feels so dispassionate and boring.

8. You look out. You haven’t ever considered ending the relationship, but mentally you start searching for a backup! And you start fantasizing about this other person, or looking for ways to spend more time with this romantic backup. The romantic backup may be a good friend who gives you a shoulder to lean on, but before you know it, both of you may end up in an emotional affair whether you acknowledge it or not.

9. Comparisons galore! You start comparing your partner to all the other guys or girls that you fancy, and you always feel like you’ve got the shorter end of the stick. All your friends seem to have better and more understanding partners than you. And that irritates you more!

10. You crave for space and privacy. Your partner just seems to be around you all the time. And you hate it! If you’re on Facebook and your partner peeps into your screen, you don’t know why, but you just want to box their face. You love space and keep distance from your partner when you’re trying to relax.

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