You don’t have to live at the spa, spend money on expensive products, or change everything about your beauty routine in order to have a glowing, healthy complexion. Here, dermatologists share the simple secrets to achieving perfect skin.
1. Avoid the Sun.
The sun is a great source for vitamin D. The morning sun from 7am to 9am is good for the skin. However avoiding the sun after this time is very essential. The UV rays are quite strong and they not only damage the texture of the skin but over exposure to these rays can result in skin cancer.
2. Have A Nutritious Fiber Rich Diet.
Everything healthy starts from your diet. Digestive problems result in skin impurities; hence diet is really essential for healthy skin. Taking in the right amount of micro-nutrients and vitamins is great for clear skin. Choose food like fish, nuts and white meat, grains like buckwheat, brown rice broccoli, tomato and beets are very healthy and good for the skin.
3. Drink Water.
As we know there are many health benefits of drinking water and juices, one of the best is to help your skin to purify the impurities, and glowing skin tips are incomplete without the inclusion of this essential point. Water cleanses the body and eliminates the toxins and waste. It hydrates the body and removes excess oils and dirt. 15% of our skin is made up of water.
4. Get Rid Of Makeup Before You Sleep
Make up is an inseparable part of any modern woman’s beauty regime and it is the best way to enhance radiance and attractiveness of skin and provide a gorgeous and appealing look during parties and events but it is often loaded with harsh chemicals that not only harm the skin, but also attract dirt and clogs the skin pores causing pimples and acne.
5 Get On With Physical Activity.
Physical activity is not only essential to losing weight and stay fit, but also to get flawless skin naturally. It is a necessity in this busy life. Activities like indoor aerobic exercises increases blood and oxygen flow to the skin cells that help in neutralizing the harmful effects of free radicals and oxidative stress and carries away waste products from the cells.
6. Sleep.
Make sure you get your 8 hours every night, perhaps a bit more if you are a teenager. Being well rested gives your body more energy to go about its daily routine, and leaves you feeling even better. Flawless skin doesn’t have big dark circles.
7. Invest In Products That Suit Your Skin Type.
If you’re young there’s no need for a facial scrub. You might have to test out a couple of brands before you find the perfect one. Talk to an associate at a make up or skin care counter. You will be able to test different formulas. They may even offer samples so you can try a product out for a day or two.
8. Buy An SPF 15+ Sunscreen For Daily Use.
Try for a facial sunscreen with no fragrance or oil. Sunscreen will help block harmful UV-A and UV-B rays that can lead to skin damage and cancers. Many moisturizers these days have sunscreen built into them. Experiment with different moisturizers to see if the sunscreen works well and the moisturizer keeps your face hydrated.
9. Avoid Stress.
It is important to find your inner Zen zone. Chronic tension and physical stress causes surges of cortisol in the body, a hormone that can break down collagen and elastin, ultimately leading to wrinkles. Stress can also worsen certain skin conditions, like psoriasis or rosacea.
10. Avoid Smoking.
As if the carcinogenic effects of nicotine on your health weren’t terrifying enough, here’s one more reason to quit smoking for good. Nicotine destroys skin substructures leaving it saggy and listless, so the best time is to quit now.