10 Essential Study Tips For Smart Students

Botswana Youth
4 Min Read
USA, Utah, Spanish Fork, School girl (14-15) working in classroom

You have to ask why you’re going to invest the time and energy to do well on a test. Why do you intend to be the student who gets an A? Your career goals and so forth. It becomes very easy to feel like you’re simply jumping through a series of hoops as opposed to understanding why that class and that test are relevant to you.

2. Prioritize The Most Important Test

It’s a mistake to consider all of your finals equal if you’re materially better at one subject than another. Some students think that they should commit equal time to studying for each test. They’re taking away from their opportunity to really commit time where they need it.

3. Clarify The Content Of Your Exams.

Find out what the test is going to cover.”Ask what the format is—multiple choice, essay, or both. Once you begin studying, bring any questions you have to your teachers. Most teachers will be happy to help you.

4. Begin To Study One Month In Advance.

Studying a little bit over a long period of time is absolutely, undeniably the right way to study, and yet we are all terrible at actually putting this plan into effect. The best time to start studying is at the beginning of the class.

5. Learn How You Study Best.

Everyone learns differently, just because your friend makes color-coded outlines, it doesn’t mean that’s the best way for you to study too. Any studying is good studying, so do it the way that works best for you.

6. Take Snack Breaks.

Take a five-minute break every hour to let your body produce more fuel for your studying. Take a walk, have a healthy snack (almonds, fruit, and yogurt are good choices), and stretch. Taking breaks will actually improve your studying.

7. Know When To Stop Studying.

Stop studying about 12 hours before examinations. The likelihood is much higher that you’re going to stress yourself out and confuse yourself. For the last minute studier, flashcards can be a good resource. They can earn you a few more points on test day, and it’s a much healthier thing to do than starting on page one of the textbook.

8. Get A Good Night’s Sleep.

Eight hours is ideal for the night before an exam. It may be tempting to stay up late studying, but remember: you’re going to need energy and focus while you’re taking your exam.

9. Occupy Your Mind Positively.

You can read a book, do a crossword puzzle, take your dog for a walk, or get some exercise. Do something that’s going to make you feel alive and positive, and will build up your energy level and confidence in the 24 hours before the test.

10. Relax.

It is normal to feel nervous, if you’re feeling nervous when you sit down to take the test, take three slow, steady breaths. Remind yourself that you’ve been getting ready for these tests all year long.

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