10 Do’s and Dont’s of Applying for a job online

Botswana Youth
1 Min Read

The internet has taken over almost all aspects that were dominant in the yesteryears. Even job applications need not be dropped through the post but are done through many internet platforms. Today we share with your 10 essentials that you must keep in mind when you apply for a job through the internet.


  • Research the company before applying.

  • Read the job description carefully.

  • Apply as soon as you can.

  • Follow all instructions in the posting.

  • Write a cover letter.


  • Don’t hit the ‘send’ button too soon.

  • Don’t get too personal

  • DON’T type lazily or in shorthand.

  • DON’T use auto-fill to apply for positions.

  • DON’T leave sections incomplete.

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