It was glitz and glam as guest invaded Malokaganyane village, to bear witness to the Paramount Chief of Batlokwa, Kgosi Puso Gaboronone tying the knot to his sweetheart Thandie Gaborone. The wedding day was a royal affair celebration of love and happiness, with echoing sounds of ululations from family and friends’ singing joyful hymns to the extent that, tears were on the brink of falling.
As the wedding was for the royal family, one would not fail to notice the golden color in the whole décor. Gold is regal, alluring, fascinating, and perfect for a wedding, the bride and the groom set a hot trend when they embraced golden age.
At it is always the case, the bride was the centre of attraction, she had perfect pick of jewelry, shoes, attire and accessories. The groom was certain to look good on his wedding day. The groom selected charming attires to harmonize his special day. Both the groom’s maids and bride’s maids looked stunning in their golden dresses and matching suits.
The people were amazed and swept off their feet when the bride and groom with their maids took to the red carpet in beautifully designed leteisi attire. The ceremony was graced by high ranking individuals, ministers, dikgosi and other top government officials. The second leg of the ceremony would be held at Tlokweng showgrounds on August 27.