Of recent there have been disturbances in senior schools around the county. Now I understand why bonnake would deliberately break or refuse totally to conform to rules. To them it feels like it’s a ‘rite of passage’. I was once in their position and I know the ‘Godlike feeling you get for defying authorities. These are just kids, 15, 16 and 17 year olds, and that is the most terrifying part about these disturbances. What kind of society are we breeding? It’s simply a society that is dead, morally. It calls for condemnation from all areas of society. One can say these kids feel they are not treated right, taken for granted or any other argument along those lines…but does that justify their behavior? The fires, the hysteria and general disobedience are just too much to condone. Now the big problem here is they seem to be doing this not for any other reason except self gratification, the feeling that yeah we have stood up against authority. These kids need to be disciplined in order for them to see the future in a broader way. How do they expect to excel academically (that’s the primary reason why they are in school) while their attention is focused on defying set rules and regulations?
The disturbance in senior schools is on the second of my ‘worry’ list. My biggest problem is the disobedience in tertiary schools. Now this is a bit complex. These are not kids; they are adults with whom you would expect a high sense of responsibility. My problem is not with the issues that are a cause for this ‘disobedience, the issues have integrity. They are old enough to know not to cause fires but the mass hysteria is still there. The protests are not about the issues anymore, they’re about the thrill of defying the law in the name of a higher purpose. The higher purpose is often termed fight for ‘our rights, struggle against oppression. Somebody needs to remind my friends in tertiary schools that after rights comes responsibility, they are so much caught up with the former the latter doesn’t even exist to them. Tertiary students have been intoxicated by an elevated sense of self-importance. Instead of sobering up and advancing reasons they resort to slogans and militant approach to everything they deem unfair. Mass demonstrations, class boycotts and strikes have become the answer to every perceived problem by tertiary students. It’s the same mentality displayed by bonnake only that at this stage it’s a serious concern. These are the people whom the society is looking at to run society on behalf of the people. With this kind of approach to problems are they fit enough or will they be fit enough to be entrusted with the affairs of the big society?
If people resort to mass demonstrations, boycotts and strikes as a solution to every problem then you are failing as people who can be entrusted with responsibility. Dialogue, Communication, consultation and consideration are essential to resolving problems and disagreements.
Morena Monganja